
Long weekend style guide

5 looks that’ll get you through any occasion or obligation

Words: Scott Dodds | Photography: Luke Kuisis | Styling: Mandy Nash

The long weekend sparks excitement for various reasons, such as the prospect of an extra day to recover from multiple nights out, or just more time to spend in bed doing literally nothing. For others, it means all manner of obligations and occasions, with a minefield of norms and expectations when it comes to the task of getting dressed.

To make the process just a little easier, we’ve laid out a few tips on what you need, and what you need to avoid, for whatever you have planned.

Back home for the weekend

Scenario: You’ve left the nest, but that doesn’t mean you can’t enjoy the comforts of a real home every once in a while.

What you’ll need: Pack light, primarily to make space for all the washing you’re bringing.

Styling notes: There’s a chance of seeing old friends, and while a pair of statement sneakers will attract “those are fancy” comments from the family, your day-one homies will be impressed at your newfound style. Style with comfort in mind, though – these are the people who’ve already accepted you for who you are.

The unmissable wedding

Scenario: It’s a best friend or a relative, and although you may have had more relaxing plans for your long weekend, you’ll never hear the end of it if you miss this occasion.

What you’ll need: Because it’s usually a one-day deal, focus on your outfit for the day. Take a couple of shirt options, sunglasses to look slick in photos and endless patience for meeting strangers you’ll never see again.

Styling notes: Don’t be flashy. Stick to shades of blue or white for your shirt. Don’t compromise on the shoes – your level of formality in this department basically shows the dearly wedded just how much you care about their big day.

A weekend away with the significant other’s parents

Scenario: You may have already met them, but this is the real test – a full weekend with the people who decide whether the two of you are getting married or you’re getting left at the airport. Haha, jokes, no pressure.

What you’ll need: This is a tough one, because you have to portray a better version of yourself without making it look like you’re trying too hard. It helps to stick to styles the oldies understand, like nautical stripes and chinos.

Styling notes: If you combine the above with a preppy sweater slung over the shoulders and still totally blow your chances, that might just be down to your personality.

Days and nights in the city

Scenario: You’ve freed yourself of all obligations, your time is your own and you’ve filled the day with things that you enjoy doing.

What you’ll need: It starts with a versatile carry bag that suits your specific needs. Leather is a timeless choice, and tends to complement any style. Add versatile layering options and accessories to help you adapt to the rollercoaster that is going into town.

Styling notes: Contemporary functional styling is all about contrasting formal and casual, luxe and streetwear. Try using a button-up shirt with shorts, then add sneakers, some headwear and a zip-up jacket that’s easy to get in and out of.

The great outdoors

Scenario: You’ve been roped into/you’re making all your friends go camping, hiking or to a festival, and you don’t want to overdress if everyone is underdressed, as well as vice versa.

What you’ll need: It’s all about options here if you want to avoid the above. The weather is your greatest enemy, so blend function with comfort and breathable warm-weather gear with stuff to keep you cosy when there’s a chill in the air.

Styling notes: The ideal outfit will include a pair of shorts to get you feeling active, an easy-carrying bag for all those options for the bad weather, layered tops so you control the temperature and, most importantly, your go-to comfortable sneakers.

Model: Mishaq at Fusion
Grooming: Never Scello at Gloss