We bet you'll recognise your friends, your family and yourself in these 5 familiar embodiments of Black Friday shoppers
Words: Lindo Buthelezi | Illustrations: Lapin Blanc
Whether you love, hate or live for Black Friday, we're but a few weeks away from the biggest and baddest sale weekend on the retail calendar. Although on this side of the equator there is no Thanksgiving feast or turkey to prep us for this shopping extravaganza, we're no less excited to make it rain come month end.
With Superbalist's Showdown conveniently positioned over the November payday weekend and just four weeks before Christmas, you'll have every excuse to make all your summer dreams come true, starting from November 23rd right through to The Final Showdown on November 26th, 2018.
As with anything, even the best markdown deals can come with a series of headaches and drawbacks, however we're confident that at least our shopping experience will eliminate the traffic, snaking queues and other forms of drama that can easily turn any shopping experience into a nightmare.
Having shared our tips on coping with the pressure and sheer excitement of the Black Friday weekend, we believe that the very first and revolutionary step to take with dealing with the mayhem is of course having a solid understanding of the type of sale shopper you are.
We've identified five of the most popular Black Friday shoppers, so that you may determine which of these descriptions best portrays you, your friends and your family.
The Avoider
If in the years gone by you've completely ignored the maddening noise of Black Friday sales, then you're probably The Avoider in your circle. However, if somehow you've been roped in by a family member or co-worker to get in on all the fun, then you'll most probably still wait until the last minute to get in on any remaining deals.
The Camper-Outer
If you have more than one story on record of how you've waited for hours outside a store in order to be 'one of the first', then you're without doubt a camper-outer. The type of Black Friday shopper whose planning goes over and above the average budget review and wishlist. Your meticulous plan includes a detailed list of supplies to keep you refreshed while you wait in gleeful anticipation for the doors to swing open. You're the relentless shopper who remains unfazed by long queues, crowds and mad hustle. You may also be stuck in the dark ages, do you even online?
The Hope for the Best-er
You will visit the stores or login to your preferred site purely because it's Black Friday and you're hoping to score some sort of deal. You may not have a detailed plan or set-aside budget to rely on, but that has never stopped you in the past. In fact, your experience over the years has proven that luck always favours you, and so from now until forever you will always bank on this method of shopping.
The Sale Hustler
You've waited all year for this day. November 23 will be your day and you will not pass up the opportunity to purchase absolutely everything. For you, as long as the items are marked down you're sold. The euphoria you will experience in the moment will leave no space for second thoughts or regret. And any sort of buyer's remorse will be mended by simply re-gifting whatever you're not that into.
The Planner
You have a long wishlist carefully compiled of all the must-have summer items already on standby. Yours, however, is not a wishlist for short-lived satisfaction, yours has Christmas gifting and perhaps a few 2019 birthdays as the end goal. This is purely because you're not one to leave gift shopping to the last minute. For you, Black Friday is the perfect opportunity to treat yourself, your friends and family to the gifts you know they will love and all without too much damage to your pocket. Lucky you.