
The Power of Colour: Ariel

Laundry tips to help keep your summer fave like new for longer

Power of Colour

Colourful garments are not only special because they look great, saying everything about us by reflecting our mood and our personality. Colourful garments are special because they need special treatment. They can fade and lose colour and look worn out. Washing with care will help you keep these colourful favourites looking like new for longer. So here is our guide for a summer wardrobe that won’t fade.

Choose the right detergent

Power of Colour

Use Ariel Auto Liquid – it's great for your colours, dissolves easily, does not leave any residues and helps remove tough stains in one wash.

Sort your laundry according to colour

Power of Colour

Bright clothes such as purples, reds, oranges, and bright yellows can be washed together. Bright blues and greens can also be washed together. If you have one item that doesn’t match anything else, consider washing it by hand with Ariel Hand wash detergent.

Treat tough stains right away

Power of Colour

Use the Ariel pre-treat cap to remove tough stains. Place Ariel Auto Liquid directly on the stain and gently scrub with the pre-treat cap. With Ariel Auto Liquid you don’t need to compromise between stain removal and preserving colours, It is tough on stains yet gentle on your colours.

Turn your new coloured clothes inside out to wash

Power of Colour

Don’t over fill the machine and wash the items on as gentle a cycle as is necessary to clean your clothes. A gentle or medium wash cycle should be perfect.

Cold is better

Power of Colour

High temperatures can damage fibres and increase dye transfer. Wash your clothes in cold water with Ariel Auto liquid. It has been designed to perform at low temperatures and helps keep your colours bright while removing many tough stains in just one wash, even at 30 degrees.

Don't let colours leech

Power of Colour

As soon as your coloured clothing is done washing, remove it from the machine. Allowing coloured clothes to sit in a washing machine may cause the colours to leech onto other items.

Skip the tumble dryer

Power of Colour

Line dry, dry in the shade or dry flat to prevent over-stretching. Then iron inside out or use a pressing cloth to keep faux suede, silk and leather finishes beautiful, and to keep rayon fabrics from becoming shiny.

Power of Colour
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Power of Colour
Power of Colour
Power of colour