Multi-instrumentalist, producer and singer, Gourmet, recently released a debut EP, Cashmere, courtesy the fine folk at 1991, which is as wonderfully weird as the Q&A he did with us is. Have a listen, have a read and then have a go at writing the Spaghetti Pop artist's name all over your pencil case because you're almost guaranteed to fanboy hard.
Who is Gourmet and what other aliases have you gone by?
The Spaghetti Boy. Gourmet is covered in nectarines, sweating ether. Succulent as a pregnant panther. Freckled skin, pale veins, riper than the sun.
'Spaghetti Pop' sounds as good as words like 'Cashmere' and 'Gourmet'. What are some of your favourite words and phrases?
Sanguine serendipity. Papaya palace. Syrup. Clitoris. Vague desire. Nipple fingers.
The album art had as much going on as the music does. How important is it that your aesthetic reflects the music?
I think aesthetic is a very interesting thing because it can completely recontextualise the music. I feel that one’s aesthetic can transform an artist into a ‘character’ and when you start combining the realm of make believe with reality, fascinating things can occur.
Where can we see you play this year?
I’m planning The Gourmet Show at the moment, it’s hopefully going to be ready around March. I don’t feel like enough people put on proper performances in this country so I’m aiming for something like that. Something very groovy.
Tell us about some of the work you’re doing at the moment?
I’m currently working on a second album, as well as a couple of side projects that will be revealed in the near future. I’d also like to do an exhibition some time and maybe a children's book, Mass Creation.
Who are some of the local artists that you're really feeling at the moment?
The last time I saw Hessien+ perform that was really exciting, I’m also very interested to see what the rest of Quit Safari is going to be doing in the future. Hopefully John Wizards will be releasing something else soon. If you want a really interesting full album experience check out Maxime Alexander's debut.